
If that is indeed what you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place!


It is a universal language that doesn’t use communication

To give hands and feet to something:… to give something a fixed shape; elaboration by execution; to create/build something, e.g. a relationship with your body, a foundation for a healthier life.

literally: body parts I use for the massage


Thai Yoga Massage is the way to completely relax physically and mentally. As a masseur, I literally get all your muscles and joints moving, which is unique for a massage.

It is a gift to yourself and certainly not an unnecessary luxury. Receiving a massage regularly helps to prevent complaints. The massage is preventive maintenance for your body and mind.

Physical problems more often lead to mental issues than the other way around. While the psychologist considers preventive maintenance very normal, this is not yet the case for our body. Our first introduction to massage is usually with a physiotherapist.

Thai Yoga Massage activates a number of hormones that make you relax and feel happier, increasing your self-healing and restorative capacity.

The effects described below, physical complaints & mental discomfort, can often be remedied mainly by Thai Yoga Massage:

  • Your flexibility and suppleness are decreased?
  • Are you ‘less’ mobile and therefore don’t exercise enough?
  • Do you want to feel more energetic?
  • Do you suffer from muscle pain and muscle tension?
  • Do you have complaints about your joints?
  • Have you lost connection with your feelings and/or body?
  • Do you suffer from physical and energetic blockages?
  • It is difficult for you to relax and ‘get out of your head’?
  • Are you suffering from stress and/or restlessness?
  • Are you sad and/or depressed?
  • Do you regularly suffer from headaches?
  • Do you want to improve your blood circulation?
  • Are you sleeping poorly?
  • Do you like to be massaged with clothes on?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to several of the above questions, Thai Yoga Massage is definitely for you.

… gets you moving… is flexibility… lets your energy flow… is deep relaxation!

Thai Yoga Massage is a soft and relaxing variant of the much harder Thai Massage. It makes and keeps your body agile and flexible. After the massage, you will feel vital, energetic and deeply relaxed at the same time.

During the massage, you wear comfortable clothing. The massage is given on a massage mattress without oil.

Thai Yoga Massage moves, activates and affects your energy channels, acupressure points, muscles, joints and connective tissue. This is due to a unique and effective combination of acupressure, massage, activation of the energy channels, conscious breathing and stretches derived from yoga.

You undergo these yoga stretches from a deeper, meditative relaxation than when you do them yourself, which means they have an even better effect. It is also referred to as ‘lazy yoga’. You can let me do the work; you only have to receive it!

Thai Massage literally gets you moving because I move all your muscles and joints in a targeted manner by stretching, pressing and circling. And that makes this massage form unique!

If we don’t exercise enough, our body tissue weakens. If we stop exercising, aging processes accelerate, and physical complaints often arise. Movement is life! Are you already convinced that this is precisely what you need?

“I believe that as a Thai masseur, I not only make people feel better but that they also pass on this positive energy to those around them. A kind of “after party”.

We are all connected in energy, so your investment in yourself also affects your environment. How beautiful is that.”


Our own nature consists largely of hormones, which determine who we are, what kind and type of energy we have, and what stage in our lives we are in. Thai Yoga Massage activates several hormones that make you relax and feel happier, increasing your self-healing and restorative capacity.

The following hormones are activated and produced during Thai Yoga Massage:

EndorphinsYour happiness hormone.
DopamineIncreases your motivation.
SerotoninIncreases your emotional balance.
OxytocinProvides rest & recovery from stress and overstimulation.
CortisolIs deactivated & reduces stress.

In addition, Thai Massage literally gets you moving because I get all your muscles and joints moving in a targeted manner by stretching, pressing and circling. This prevents the acceleration of the aging process, the weakening of body tissue and many physical issues. More exercise is also prescribed as a remedy for sadness and depression.

For many people, to be healthy means not to be sick.
I define health as a state in which you can fully utilize and express your own potential. Health is, therefore, not an absolute quantity but varies from person to person. Being healthy is also a process; it’s the way you live.

The cycle of nature also teaches us this. Everything grows in spring and summer to be harvested in late summer. In autumn and winter, growth stops, and what is no longer needed is released, creating space for new growth.

Because we are part of nature, we would also use this as an example to function optimally. But we mainly pay attention to growth and not enough to the moments of peace, going within and letting go of what is no longer necessary.

Book an appointment

“Thai Massage has been significant in Thai society for over 2,500 years. It is still an important pillar in today’s modern Thai healthcare. It is used as accessible preventive care but also used therapeutically in hospitals.”



Mi casa es su casa…

You are welcome in my atmospheric practice at home at Voorhaven in Edam


A massage in your own environment often feels pleasant and familiar.

No travel time, and you can relax at home after the massage.


The ultimate holiday feeling

Anyone who has been to Thailand immediately has beautiful images and memories.


Massage during a Event & Festival is an excellent way for participants and visitors to relax, recharge, and continue enjoying themselves completely ‘refreshed’.



1 hour€ 35,-
1,5 hour€ 45,-
2 hour€ 55,-
For residents: municipality of Edam-Volendam


Give a Thai Yoga Massage as a gift, nice to give and nice to receive!

* Gift vouchers are valid for 2 year


1 hour€ 45,-
1,5 hour€ 65,-
2 hour€ 80,-
Based on a relaxation Thai Yoga Massage


At the door+ € 25,-*
In nature+ € 30,-*
*And any parking costs


1 hour€ 200,-
1,5 hour€ 265,-
2 hour€ 325,-
Use 1 card is allowed with multiple people


Receive a 20% discount on your next massage when referring a new customer!


After 59 years, I have quite a nicely filled backpack with (life) experiences… just to name a few: success, failure, happiness, sadness, and constantly reinventing myself… worldly wisdom, books and human knowledge. From that backpack, I add an extra dimension to my massages. All this is accompanied by a good dose of North Holland down-to-earthness.

I have been going to Thailand regularly since the 1990s. From the start, I was fascinated by the versatility of Thai Massage techniques, its grace, and how it positively affected my overall well-being.

I completed my first Thai Yoga Massage training in Thailand in 2007. Last year, I completed my Dutch training
with Thai Dee, which is internationally recognized by the ‘Thai Healing Alliance International‘.

In addition to massage, nature is my great passion, and I am a Nature Guide at the IVN (Institute for Nature Education & Sustainability).

I see many similarities between Nature & Massage. With both, you have to have an eye for detail and be able to observe carefully because everything is related to each other. In that sense, the ecosystem and our anatomy are very similar.

Furthermore, it is striking that the same hormones are activated when you are in nature as during a massage. You are moving through nature, just like during the Thai Yoga Massage. This keeps your body and mind strong and awake.

In that sense, you are also being massaged by nature. I am currently investigating how I can bring these two together to reinforce each other for an even greater sense of well-being.


In my newsletters I share messages that surprise, inspire and make me smile. Curious?


You can schedule your appointment yourself in my
online agenda, which is nice. But you can also make
an appointment by telephone!

Book an appointment